DELTA (Diploma in English Language Teaching for Speakers of Other Languages)
The DELTA is a level 7 certificate on the Regulated Qualification Framework in the UK, the equivalent level to a master’s degree. You don’t need to take the 3 modules in order; you can start any of the modules first.
For more information about the content of each module, click here.
Each DELTA Module is assessed in a different way:
- DELTA Module 1: written examination
- DELTA Module 2: a portfolio of coursework, including lesson observations
- DELTA Module 3: a written assignment
For more detail, you can download the summary of how each module is assessed here.
You can find out more about DELTA by clicking here.
You can read the Cambridge DELTA Handbook here.
- Cambridge Certificate awarded Cambridge upon completion of each module (e.g., Cambridge Certificate in DELTA Module 1, Cambridge Certificate in DELTA Module 2 and Cambridge Certificate in DELTA Module 3)
- Cambridge DELTA diploma awarded upon completion of all three modules
DELTA – Module Three
Are you an experienced teacher looking to move into more senior roles? Do you need to expand your knowledge in the field of English Language Teaching and embark on the next step of your Continuous Professional Development journey? DELTA Module 3 could be for you. This module focuses on broadening your knowledge of a chosen specialism and will develop your understanding of syllabus design, testing and assessment. You will write a 4000-4500-word extended research-based assignment on a group of your own learners. It involves designing and conducting a thorough needs analysis and diagnostic test and culminates in designing a 20-hour course for your chosen group. It is one of the 3 modules that count towards the full award of the Cambridge DELTA.
Entry requirements
- Minimum age: 18
- Minimum language level: Proficient C1
- Entry requirements: CELTA qualification (or equivalent)
- Teaching experience: Not required
- Option 1: you use your own students (this option is ideal if you are teaching while doing DELTA Module Three)
- Option 2: you use our students (this option is ideal if you aren’t teaching and cannot get hold of students while doing DELTA Module Three)
Why do module 3 with ELTeach?
- Our highly experienced tutors have helped hundreds of candidates successfully achieve the results they need in Module 3.
- 14 weeks’ support gives you the time you need to complete the assignment.
- The flexibility to start whenever you want throughout the year.
- Flexibility for breaks over major holidays (Christmas, Ramadan, Easter, etc.)
What does it entail?
Candidates will write a 4000-4500-word extended research-based assignment on a group of their own learners. It involves needs analysis and diagnostic testing and leads to the design of a 20-hour course for the chosen group. You can choose from the following specialisms and should have some experience with the specialism you choose:
- 1 to 1 teaching (1 to 1)
- Teaching Exam classes (EX)
- Monolingual classes (MON)
- Multilingual classes (MUL)
- Teaching in an English-Speaking environment (ESE)
- Teaching in a non-English-speaking environment (NESE)
- Teaching YLs/Young adults (specified age group required with 5-year range for example. 8–13, 14–19) (YL)
- Language development for teachers (LDT)
- English for Academic purposes (EAP)
- English for Special purposes (ESP)
- Business English (BE)
What support will I get?
- an initial Zoom call with the tutor to discuss the specialism and answer questions related to the assignment
- 14 weeks of 1-to-1 tutor support via email
- a personalised study schedule to help keep you on track
- access to asynchronous support materials and support in a basic ‘structure’ for each of the 4 main parts of the assignment
- access to key texts for the assignment
- detailed feedback on each part of the assignment and then on the complete rewritten assignment
- a final ‘health check’ of the assignment before submission to check formatting, etc
What can you expect to learn on this course?
- Research into specialist areas
- Present an informed discussion of the context and needs of learners in their selected specialism.
- Summarise the principles and theories of teaching which are specific to the selected specialism.
- Apply knowledge and understanding of the selected specialist area to plan for and assess learners in the chosen specialism.
- Syllabus design: principles, influences on, methodological effects of, and major syllabus types as applied to the specific learning context
- Critically evaluate approaches to syllabus design, including their theoretical base, in relation to the broader curriculum and to the specific learning/teaching context selected by the candidate.
- Evaluate and critically assess the influence of major theories of second language acquisition on the design of major types of syllabi in ELT and their influence on course provision.
- Select and develop criteria for judging the suitability of different types of syllabi for stated teaching and the specific learning context.
- Describe the influence of syllabus design on English Language Teaching (ELT) methodology.
- Designing syllabus and teaching programmes to meet the needs of learners in the specific context of their selected specialism
- Design and plan the implementation of syllabuses and courses for a stated teaching context and group of learners.
- Critically evaluate, adapt, design and conduct a variety of needs analyses to inform syllabus and teaching programmes.
- Course design and development in the specific context of their selected specialism
- Apply knowledge of needs analysis and syllabus design to designing a course for a selected group of learners.
- Prepare a scheme of work based on the course outlined. • Select or outline appropriate materials for the course.
- The principles and practice of testing and assessment and application to the candidate’s specialist area
- Describe and explain major principles involved in testing, test design, and different types of assessment.
- Apply these principles to the planning and/or design and use of assessment schemes, methods and instruments that are fair, valid, reliable, sufficient and appropriate for specific learners, using ICT where appropriate.
- Select, adapt and create valid classroom tests and other forms of informal assessment appropriately.
- Evaluate and interpret the results of classroom tests appropriately.
- Monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness and quality of courses and programmes of study
- Select, adapt and create appropriate assessment tools (including formal tests and exams) and methods in order to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness and quality of courses and programmes of study.
What are the grades for Module 3?
The grades awarded are:
- Pass with Distinction
- Pass with Merit
- Pass
- Referred (N.B. you may resubmit once, but will have to pay the Cambridge registration fee again plus any further tutor support required)
How much does it cost?
- Option 1 (you use your students)
Course and administration fees
Cambridge examination fees
- Option 2 (you use our students)
Course and administration fees
Admin and Cambridge examination fees
Language requirement: C1